Happy 4th of July!
As we have just completed the first half of the 2007 year, I find myself reflecting on the interiors of projects recently completed. Being outside so much under the gorgeous (and hot, very hot) South Florida sun, makes me wonder how can we incorporate more of this feeling we get when we are outside (and on vacation - so to speak) in the inside of our workspaces and homes.
In the residential arena the outdoor market has just exploded. But at work, what are we doing to bring the outside in at our hermetically sealed corporate offices? A couple of our current projects are in the newly developed and just CO'd "One Aventura" building. The developer, Mr. Fernando Levy, speaks about the aluminum trellis sun shades that wrap around the perimeter of the each floor and the operable glazing that allows for each suite's natural air flow. This type of architectural elements allow both the designer and the end user to be in touch with the outdoors. Another such element can be achieved in the interior by creating a large photo-montage or mural with an outdoor motif.
Back in the 70's beach scenes were wallpapered in family rooms across America, yet today we find all 'green' elements motifs appearing in conference rooms, waiting areas in medical suites and restaurants. Such motifs evoke anything from images of the rain-forest to snow banks along a river bed all which achieve the desired effect of transporting one's mind to the outdoors: a mini-vacation without the hassle of travel.