CasaDécor '07
1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
888-882-2349, Ext. 88
The Strategy Library offers suggestions on the greenest alternatives. This is, perhaps, the heart of REGREEN, offering more than 200 (and growing) green design tactics. They are listed by the familiar and proven LEED categories—innovative design process, sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. Browsing the table of contents will help users locate a specific strategy but also alert them to other related opportunities.
An important aspect of REGREEN, its focus on whole-house, systems thinking. It is rarely a single product or building component or even a collection of attributes that result in a building being labeled green. Green building is almost always about how systems . . . work together to reduce environmental impacts.
REGREEN is still a work in progress and its next iteration is up to you. ASID and USGBC have posted the draft version of the guidelines and invite the public to comment. http://www.regreenprogram.org USGBC will respond to all comments, and post the comments and responses (without commenter names or organizations) online on the same site. The survey will ask you to comment on the technical aspects and organizational structure of REGREEN. You will have an opportunity to add strategies and suggest changes and clarifications. The comment period ends December 10, 2007. This is a terrific chance to participate in the process, and the more of you who do, the better the final product will be.